
This is an exciting period of growth and development for children, and a time when parental training and encouragement are major players in the child’s developing world. These preschool and early school years awaken within a child a sense of fearful adventure in an ever-expanding world outside the confines of mom and dad.

It is an exciting and, yes, challenging growth period. A time when your child’s intellect develops sufficiently to allow purposeful interaction with adults and other children. As that interaction begins, your child starts to process experiences and sensation from his deepening relationships that direct the way he interprets life. As your child’s world unfolds, new and broader expectations are realized. Now he is confronted with role functions, norms, and expected standards of conduct which sometimes conflict with each other as well as with his own self-centered perceptions.

Children of this age not only begin to perceive how and where they fin into the larger social picture, but they also develop a life and worldview perception of where everyone else in their mental neighborhood belongs– mom and add, little Kyle next door, and the mechanic down the street.

Our goal is to help you get started and sustain your course of action with confidence. We want to give you a renewed sense of purpose in your parentings. Come enjoy our 15 Childwise principles!

Paperback:261 pages
Publisher:Parent – Wise Solutions, Inc.; 2 Reissue edition (November 2001)
Product Dimensions:8 x 5.2 x 8.2 inches
Shipping Weight:10.4 ounces

On Becoming Childwise
